The Latest and Greatest

For the blog this month, I thought I might highlight some of my latest paintings that are now present on the website. I’ve entitled this post “The Latest and Greatest,” but I’m not sure about the greatest bit. While I love the paintings I’ve done lately, I don’t have a real gauge about how they stack up against some of my earlier work. As an artist, and a person in general, I think we all like to believe that we are continually improving in our skill level, our proficiency, our humanity. Whether or not that’s always true is debatable. At any rate, the goal at the studio is always to produce the highest quality drawings, paintings, and illustrations. I hope you will agree I’ve come close to hitting that mark.

Please remember, prints of these pieces are available at my Etsy store. You will find a link to the listing for each painting, should you be interested in purchasing a print. All of the original artwork is also for sale. If you are interested in an original you see here, please use the “Contact Me” link to let me know of your interest, and we can make arrangements.

Daffodils to Go – This is a fun little painting (10×8”) that anyone who loves flowers would enjoy. 

’61 Cadillac is one of my automotive paintings. Its size is 16×20”. This painting is a celebration of all things mid-century style and the magnificent effects of chrome and sunlight. 

Tasha Gathering Wood is the latest painting I’ve completed. It is 12×9” and is an homage to the iconic children’s book author and illustrator. I love how the figure seems to “grow” out of the meadow she stands in. She seems absolutely in harmony with her natural surroundings. 

These are the latest paintings from my studio. They are all painted to the best of my ability and with all my heart. I always say my favorite painting is the one I’m working on currently. I have several pieces in the works, and I look forward to sharing them with you soon.

I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into what’s new on the website. If you have any questions or comments about my work, please do get in touch using the “Contact Me” feature. Cheers!