2021 Greetings!

New Year’s greetings from Rural Girl Graphics!

We at the Upstairs Studio wish you and yours a very happy and healthy year to come. If this past year taught us anything, it is to cherish your loved ones and spend your time in productive and rewarding activity. The lockdowns of 2020 have forced us to evaluate how we spend our time and the importance our friends and family have in our sense of purpose and well-being.

As we (hopefully) emerge from our sequestration, we should be intentional about what we add back in to our lives. My “resolution” for this new year is to try hard to ensure the time I spend is of value to me and the people I love. Of course, for me, that will in large part be time spent in the creation of art. I want to be done with activity for activity’s sake and “busy work” of any stripe. I want the things I do to have a purpose and an impact for the betterment of people’s lives.

My wish for you as we begin this year is that you find peace and joy in what you do and in those around you. I can think of no better way to spend 2021!


PS – I’d love to hear about your plans for this new year. Drop me a line by using the “Contact Me” link here on the website. I’m ready to be inspired!