Easter greetings from Ruralgirlgraphics.com! Here at the Upstairs Studio, our hopes are rising on this Easter holiday. We wish you a rebirth of hope in your lives as well. With the coming of spring, the earth seems young again. This tends to give us a “spring” in our step and a lightness in our heart.
The appearance of flowers and new growth in nature is infectious in a good way. Recently we’ve heard way too much about the bad connotation of infection – illness, morbidity, quarantine. There seems as I write this to be a glimmer of hope that, at least to a large degree, this dark period will be behind us before too long.
The above are some examples of pysanky I made a few years ago. Pysanky is the ancient art of dyeing Easter eggs using a wax-resist method. The egg is successively dipped into various colors of dye starting with the lightest color and with each new color going progressively darker. After each color is added, parts of the color are preserved under a layer of beeswax which is applied with a drawing tool called a kitska. Once the last (and darkest) color is applied, the egg is held close to a flame to melt the wax layer and the final design is revealed.
The traditional pysanky are rich in symbolism that celebrates the coming of spring and Christ’s triumph over death. Each egg is a form of prayer. It is a physical manifestation of the faith and hope of the egg’s creator, reflecting his/her joy at the good news of the empty tomb.
From all of us at Rural Girl Graphics, we wish you a joyous Easter! We hope you find lots of reasons for hope and joy at Easter and all year long.